Gentleman of Her Dreams Read online

Page 9

  She stood still for a moment to allow her nerves a chance to settle before she forced her gaze upward to acknowledge the gentleman who had saved her from a most unpleasant fate.

  All the breath left her in a split second as his features swam into view.

  He was the most compelling man she’d ever seen, possessed of sun-kissed brown hair and blue eyes the exact shade of the sky. His face, with sharp angles and a strong jaw, was rugged in a manner quite unlike the faces of the gentlemen she had known in England. His lips were firm and unsmiling at the moment, but from the small creases at the corners, she could tell he was a man who was accustomed to smiling. Her eyes traveled over his broad shoulders, but then the promise she’d made to herself regarding the avoidance of handsome gentlemen sprang to mind, and she pushed her spectacles back into place. His features turned hazy as resolve straightened her spine.

  “Thank you,” she muttered.

  “You’re very welcome,” the man said, his voice causing the hair to stand straight up on her arm. “May I assist you into your chair?”

  “That will not be necessary,” Eliza replied as she stepped past the man to take her seat.

  She heard a sudden telltale rip of fabric and realized her skirt was stuck around the legs of the chair. A yelp escaped her lips before she plunged to the floor.


  To read more of Eliza’s story, look for A Change of Fortune, available November 2012 wherever books are sold.